Getting started with themes

A Theme is a portable and self-contained package of developer assets designed to work together to enable a marketer-friendly content-editing experience. These assets might include templates, modules, CSS files, JavaScript files, images, and more.

But what you need to know is that it's all there for you, ready to be customized with simple mouse clicks



The settings of a theme let you change the following features:

  • global colors: primary and secondary
  • global fonts: primary (for the body) and secondary (for the various H1, H2, etc.)
  • layout: you can decide the width of the sections of the site and the vertical and horizontal padding, you can change the background color of the body and of the sections
  • typography settings: you can change the characteristics of the various H1, H2, etc of the body and the color of the link and focus
  • settings for forms
  • settings for tables
  • footer settings

In addition to our theme, we have added other settings that we will gradually explore in other pages